International Exchange
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Headquarters for the Promotion of Multicultural Society and International Exchange
To promote international exchange of students and faculty members, and the exchange of international students (send and receive) at Okinawa National College of Technology, to enhance international education and improve international research capabilities of the college, and to contribute to the globalization of the region.Overview
Based on the culture, history, climate, and regional characteristics of Okinawa Prefecture, the university's “Education,” “Research,” and “International” divisions (four centers) collaborate to promote the following initiatives.① Center for Japanese Language and Culture Education(Japanese Site)
- Japanese language and Japanese culture education for international students (including study support)
- Promote exchange between international students and local residents and students of other technical colleges and universities
② International Student Center(Japanese Site)
- Short-term exchange program for students from abroad
③ Glocal Collaboration Promotion Center(Japanese Site)
- Promote global and local education and provide lifelong learning opportunities for local residents, etc.
④ Center for the Promotion of International Collaborative Research(Japanese Site)
- Promote international joint research
- Design, coordinate and implement researcher exchange programs
Message from the Director General
This organization was established in 2022, in collaboration with the university's “Education,” “Research,” and “International” divisions. The four centers within this organization also work together to take advantage of horizontal collaboration. We seek to create a college (a place of activities) where one activity can gradually expand into a team or organization activity, where one person's global experience leads to a second or third person's challenge, and where all can contribute to an environment where international students can become global leaders at this college.